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Practical Workshop and Preparation of Practical Module Sociology S1 Study Program

S1 Sociology Study Program (Prodi) FISIP UB is one of the Study Programs that implements a practicum system in the education process. Each semester in the study program has practicum courses namely Sociological Academic Skill (SAS) in semester 1, Social Institution Structure and Social Change in semester 2, Village-city Sociology and Social Research Methods in semester 3, Quantitative Research Methods and Social Cinematography in semester 4, Qualitative Research Methods; Society, Culture and Disasters; Community Development in semester 5, as well as Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Applied Research Management (MRT) in semester 6.

In response to this, the development of the curriculum becomes something very important. Attached to it is the development of related practical programs. Therefore, S1 Sociology Study Program holds practical workshops in order to prepare and organize practical procedures that contain rules, rules, instruments that can assist students in carrying out practical activities on November 9-10 2018 at Shalimar Malang Hotel. In the event, he was also invited as the main speaker Mahmudi Siwi, SP., M.Sc. from IPB. The practicum workshop is also expected to be able to produce a guide in practicum, namely practicum modules in each subject.

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