In the series of events that aim towards increasing student capacity, our department holds a…
Visit of the Village Ministry, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration to UB Sociology
In implementing Law No. 6 concerning Villages, especially related to the tasks of the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration (Kemendesa) required various models, concepts and strategies for social intervention to improve community welfare and the implementation of various dimensions in village law. Many parties as knowledge producers, such as universities that have produced models, concepts and strategies for social intervention to overcome rural problems. However, the knowledge products still need further testing before being implemented on a broad scale as a policy. Related to this, there is a need for a Social Laboratory (Labsos) for rural development as a medium for testing models / concepts / strategies for social intervention and technological innovation, and piloting rural community empowerment. In this case Labsos is in the form of a regional unit, both in the village and regional scale.
For this reason, the Kemendesa visits a UB Sociology Department on 15 November 2018. The purpose of this event is to explore the establishment of an integrated Labsos between Sociology UB and Kemendesa. UB’s sociology was chosen because indeed this department has a focus in assisting villages in development activities. It was recorded that several Tri Dharma Perguruang activities were carried out in an integrated manner, such as practicum research and Real Work Lectures (KKN).
Initially the management of the Sociology Laboratory in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences of the University of Brawijaya was united with the Integrated Laboratory (Integrated Lab). The Integrated Lab is a combination of five study programs in FISIP. But after new regulations, especially the Lab. Sociology is returned under the auspices of the study program. At the Lab. Sociology has six research focuses or commonly referred to as research groups. The six focus of the study consisted of Social Exclusion and Marginality, Media, Cultural Engineering, Environment and Disaster, Community Development, Institutionalization. The choice of location to be conducted by a study is determined by the study program and focused on the Malang region. Research activities carried out by the Lab. Sociology starts from the stages of practical activities to Community Service. These stages eventually pushed a village which had previously been used as a place for practicum and Community Service Program to become a fostered village. The fostered village that has been initiated by the Lab. Six sociologies are Sidoasri Village, Sumber Dem Village, Sumbersuko Village, Plumbangan Village, UB Forest and Brongkal Village.
The development of Labsos is expected to be one of the efforts in operationalizing the village development approach in rural development through more effective, efficient and productive policy and community empowerment programs.