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Sociology Doctoral Study Program Curriculum Workshop

Universities (PT) must be creative in compiling curriculum to face the industrial era 4.0. Because changes in society will be faster because of technology. The explanation was stated by Dr. Linda Darmajanti, M.T., Monday (07/08/2019) at the Sociology Doctoral Study Program Curriculum Workshop, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Brawijaya.

The atmosphere of the S3 Sociology Curriculum Workshop

She conveyed the creative curriculum, must be related and continuous between bachelor, master and doctoral degrees. But still with different levels of depth. However, the member of the National Bureau of Accreditation for Higher Education Institutions assessor reminded that good curricula must also be adapted to the conditions of our society which are still very diverse.

“When we talk about industry 4.0 here, in reality there are still our brothers who are at 1.0. Even modern people still believe in the paranormal, “she said. If a science expert talks about digital technology, according to her, the social field certainly must develop its digital society.

With this fact, she stressed, universities need to carry out social innovation with the hope or minimum target of our society to be able to live properly (mon).

Artikel ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh laman berita daring pada 8 Juli 2019.


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