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The Sociology Study Programme was an embryo of the Department of Sociology. The establishment Sociology Program stems from the establishment of the feasibility study proposals. The proposal was formulated by a feasibility study based on the Letter of Rector Assignment No. 956 / J10 / AK / 2002 dated 22 April 2002. The formulation feasibility studies proposal for the Sociology Programme was completed on August 31, 2002.

The proposal was followed up with a rector letter of the founding Sociology Programme. The submission was based on the Rector Letter No. 2459 / J10 / AK / 2002 dated August 31, 2002 on the feasibility study proposal submission to the Directorate General of Higher Education in Jakarta. The proposal is then to obtain an official reply to the Directorate General of Higher Education. The decree contains a statement that the proposed establishment of Sociology Program at UB was feasible. Eligibility was approved by the Decree No. 2/33 / D2 / 2002 dated 24 September 2002 regarding consideration for the opening of the Sociology Programme (S1).

Decree on Considerations for Opening of Sociology Programme at UB contained requirements for the establishment. One of the requirements of this establishment was a competency-based curriculum. In response to these requirements, the rector of UB formed a Committee for Curriculum Development at the Workshop for Sociology Programme by the Task Letter No. 0280 / J10 / AK / 2003 dated February 3, 2003. The workshop was the preparation for competency-based curriculum of the Department of Sociology based on the Letter of Assignment executed February 18, 2003.

Results of the Curriculum Workshop for the Department of Sociology was then sent to the Higher Education through a letter of introduction Rector No: 0753 / J10 / AK / 2003. The results of the workshop were sent to the Higher Education General Directorate and was replied in the form of the Directorate General of Higher Education Decree No. 989 / D2 / 2003 dated May 29, 2003. The contents of the decree was the proposed opening of the Sociology Program with a minimum requirement of six qualified lecturers; two from S1 (undergraduate) degree and four from the S2 (graduate) degree. In addition, it is also important to include competency-based curriculum that was equipped with the organizational structure of its personnel. In June 2003 the drafting team can complete the lecturer requirements.

Following up the minimum requirements that must be met for the provision of Sociology Programme at UB, proposal was then drafted related to these requirements. The proposal was sent to the Higher Education General Directorate with an introduction letter from the Rector No: 07 / J10 / AK / 2003 dated June 18, 2003. The proposal subsequently obtained reply from the Director General of Higher Education with the letter number 3545 / D / T / 2003. The lettergave Sociology Program an Operating Licence for a period of two years from the decision set time.

Granting permission for the implementation of the Higher Education General Directorate for Sociology Programme,The Rector UB followed by issuing the Rector Decree No. 002A / SK / 2004 on the Establishment of the Social Sciences Program for Undergraduate Study Programme (S1)

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